Whether you’re a regular at Farmers Markets or this weekend will be your first ever… all markets are run differently. Below are the answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions:
Lost something at the market? https://wpfarmersmarket.com/lost-and-found
Q: What kinds of products can I find at the WPFM?
A: You’ll find local and regionally grown fruits & vegetables, local and regionally raised meats, plants, flowers & herbs, farm-fresh eggs & dairy products, baked goods, snacks, spices. Our Visiting Vendor program allows a few vendors with some special items, if there is significant customer interest (olive oil, maple syrup...), and much more.
Q: Where is the Woodland Park Farmers Market located and when is it open?
A: Summer Market is at Memorial Park, Center Street & Henrietta Avenue, Woodland Park, CO 80863. The Summer Market is open from first Friday in June to last Friday in September, 8am-1pm.
Q: How do I get to the market and where do I park?
A: Please visit our Contact webpage for directions. For the Winter Market, parking is available at the front, back and to the side of the Cultural Center. For the Summer Market - There is parking across from City Hall on South Avenue, at the Senior Center (please leave spaces for seniors close to the building), next to the Ute Pass Cultural Center,in Bergstrom Park off Hwy 24, and at various public parking lots in downtown Woodland Park. *Please be considerate of the needs of local businesses.
Q: Is it free to come to WPFM?
There is no entrance fee & parking is free. You simply pay for what you purchase with any of our farmers, artisans or merchants.
Q: Is the Woodland Park Farmers Market Open when it rains or snows?
A: Yes, the WPFM is a rain or shine market.
Q: Can I purchase Organic Produce at the Woodland Park Farmers Market?
A: Several (but, not all) of our growers and vendors use organic growing methods. Each grower/vendor will be happy to answer any questions about how their produce was grown. Just ask!
Q: Do the Woodland Park Farmers Market Vendors/Farmers accept SNAP/EBT?
A: Absolutely and we highly encourage it! Please stop by the Market Information Booth upon your arrival to get “SNAP vouchers” with your SNAP/EBT card to use at all market vendor sites. We are also participating in the Double Up Colorado program, where double vouchers are given for any vegetable or fruit grown and sold in Colorado, up to $20 per market day.
Q: Do Vendors take Credit Cards?
A: Many of our vendors take credit/debit cards. It is recommended to bring some cash. However, you can visit the Market Information table upon your arrival to get “Market Bucks” with your debit or credit card to use at all vendor sites. There are also several nearby banks/ATM machines within easy walking distance.There is one in the foyer of Ute Pass Cultural Center, outside the Chamber office.
Q: Is the Woodland Park Farmers Market Pet Friendly?
A: Yes! We love friendly and sociable pets. However, they are only allowed at the outdoor Summer Market. Please make sure your pet is on a SHORT leash & doesn’t disturb other shoppers. WPFM is a NO-PEE ZONE. You are expected to clean up after your pet should any unfortunate accidents occur. The Market is not a place to bring pets that exhibit signs of fear, aggression or over-excited behavior. Please make sure everyone remains safe at our market by following these rules.
Q: Why is the summer Woodland Park Farmers Market open on Fridays instead of the weekend?
A: When the market started many of our farmers/growers/vendors were already committed to markets in other cities on Saturdays and Sundays. By having our market on Friday, we greatly increase the number of outstanding vendors for you to find.
Q: Why does the summer Woodland Park Farmers Market close at 1pm?
A: Many of our farmers/growers/vendors requested the 1pm closing time. They need to get back to their farms/gardens to pick produce in the cooler afternoon/evening hours for the following day's markets. Weather is also a factor - we who live in the mountains know that when summer rain showers come, it is usually after 1pm.
Q: Is the Woodland Park Farmers Market Open Year Round?
A: The Woodland Park Farmers Market is open every Friday from 8am-1pm during the months of June-September.
Q: Can I purchase arts and crafts at the Woodland Park Farmers Market?
A: We have a small number of arts and crafts. We strictly stick to a minimum 60% agriculture/garden/food connection…but we do have some craft vendors who hand-make their product. There is a separate Woodland Park Arts & Crafts Fair, privately owned, and operating at the same day & time as the farmers' market, in an adjacent site on Henrietta Avenue. Visit their Facebook page for more info. *Note, Market Bucks and SNAP vouchers can only be spent in the farmers' market.
Q: Does the city of Woodland Park run the Woodland Park Farmers Market?
A: No, the WPFM is governed by the Teller County Farmers Market Association, an independent non-profit entity with 501(c)3 status supported by merchant fees, sponsors, donations & grants. The market operates on a small budget that must support a large array of operating expenses that includes insurance, permits, licenses, signage, utilities, disposal, improvements, marketing, some part-time staff and more. However, the City of Woodland Park is a major sponsor and prime supporter of the event.